Tuesday 22 December 2015

Top Three Takeaways from Twitter Analytics

Twitter has come a long way since it was founded in 2006. What started as a social media platform that attracted millennials who were trying to avoid awkward encounters with their parents on Facebook, has become a vital platform for B2C and B2B companies, as well as bloggers, media, government, and everyone else in between – if you know how to use it effectively.
Recently, Twitter has rolled out some new analytics features which you can find by logging into your account and going to https://analytics.twitter.com. This used to just be a feature for advertisers but now anyone can see their analytics and utilize that information for their social media strategies.
I manage several Twitter accounts. One is for B2B, one is for a charity, and the other ties into my personal blog. I have found that for every one of these purposes the Twitter analytics dashboard has some great information, but it can be a little overwhelming. I am sure you could spend a whole lot of time analyzing and crunching data, so to make things easy here are my top three analytics features to take a peek at and why.
  • 1 - Top Mention
Your top mention is likely coming from someone who values your product, service, offering, or opinion, so treat them like gold. First things first, make sure you are following them. After that, make sure you like and retweet but also remember to check out their feed and do a “reply” with a comment to personally share and comment on the cool things that they are tweeting about. In other words, share the love!
  • 2 - Top Follower
Remember the cool kids from high school? I certainly wasn’t one of them, and I didn’t really want to be their friend but I knew how to use them to my advantage and I am sure you did too. I sort of see this as the same concept. The top follower is the cool kid so you want to know who their friends are, get in those circles, and engage. You can do that by mentions and sharing their posts, but also add them to lists and start following and engaging with the same users they are following (who tie into your particular focus area, of course).
  • 3 - Top Media Tweet
This one is becoming my favorite lately. We all love visuals whether it be a nice pie chart, info-graphic, or video, but now with this feature you can really get a sense of what it is people want to see from you. I have found that whether it be for business, charity or my personal blog, people want to see people. The media posts that put a face to the company, for example staff working a tradeshow, have gotten more response than the charts and graphs. Definitely have a look at your media tweets and see what the consensus is for your business. I’d love to know if you have the similar results.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by what Twitter analytics has been able to provide for all of my business and personal social media needs. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out definitely do so and see what you can glean, and what your favorite takeaways are.

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